You and I have an unprecedented chance to halt the statist machine in its tracks.
Our message is clear and consistent. The principles we stand on are the timeless ideas that built this nation and can return it to prosperity.
Big Government policies and establishment-loving insiders have wrecked our economy, spread our men and women thin all over the world, and jammed our Constitution further down the shredder.
We can change that – this election.
But I need your help to keep fighting.
To keep spreading the word about liberty, reaching millions more voters, and securing the delegate spots key to winning the Republican nomination.
So I hope you’ll donate to our Money Bomb right away.
Every day, more and more Americans are realizing how deeply our out-of-control government has devastated our nation, and they’re angry.
They’re looking for answers, and my staff is ready to ramp up our efforts even more to reach them with our solutions - through more hard-hitting ads, direct mail and email, more boots on the ground, and more personal phone calls.
Our historic finishes in Iowa, New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Maine have left us with a strong foundation to build on going into Super Tuesday and the other remaining contests.

And this race is still wide open.
If you’ve already donated this week, thank you for your help.
Will you contribute one more time today to help us have the resources needed to win this race?
If you haven’t yet given, I hope I can count on your generous contribution right away.
Our campaign is the only one with a serious plan to tackle our debt crisis and rein in spending.
Only our campaign can offer voters a clear alternative to Barack Obama’s policies.
And only our campaign seeks to return our government to its constitutional limits.
Together, we can Restore America Now – but only if I can depend on your support today.
Please, visit www.RonPaul2012.com tonight and donate whatever you are able!
For Liberty,

Ron Paul
P.S. Millions of outraged voters are looking for answers.
Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich want Americans to think they can offer an alternative to Barack Obama, but their records reveal that they’ve stood for many of the same disastrous policies as the President.
Our campaign is offering the American people a clear choice, and our opportunity to achieve real change has never been greater.
So I hope you’ll visit www.RonPaul2012.com right away and contribute whatever you can to our Money Bomb.
Every dollar will go toward strengthening our support, winning this race, and taking back our liberties from an out-of-control government.

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