RoseWeaver12 Rose

RachelAPrince Rachel Prince
the revolution is not being televised, it is being broadcast live on the internet right now nyti.ms/pgxdez #OWSnews #occupywallstreet
RayBeckerman RayBeckerman
RT @vashondogboy: Wall Street Protesters Converge in Lower Manhattan - Video - Bloomberg goo.gl/SwEWA #OWSNews #takewallstreet

RoseWeaver12 Rose
Metro - 'Occupy Wall Street': What do they want? metro.us/newyork/nation… #owsnews #youshouldbeembarrassed #occupywallstreet

RoseWeaver12 Rose
Wall Street protests continue, several arrested : bit.ly/onfxXE via @CBSNews #owsnews #occupywallstreet #youshouldbeembarrassed

nickfromnewyork Nick
Get down to #occupywallstreet protest now for possible closing bell march! #owsnews

omfjallen Heidi S.
RT @WSJ: The hundreds of protestors say they have no plans to leave the area any time soon on.wsj.com/nMsJIu #OWSNews

kgosztola Kevin Gosztola
Hundreds of young & disenfranchised settle into lower Manhattan to send message to Wall Street -- & Obama #OWSNews http://j.mp/p311W4

justinography Justin T. Shockley
Get down to #occupywallstreet protest now for possible closing bell march! #owsnews

Wise120 Anna Gregerson
Scott McGee “@dscc: Tea Party Congressman: I’ve only got $400K to survive on after I feed my kids! dscc.me/UxIg #p2” #OWSNews

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RoseWeaver12 Rose
RT @MMFlint: Protest enters its 3rd day in NYC's financial district. mmflint.me/oH1jEu #owsnews #youshouldbeembarrassed

donnyshell Donnell Alexander
“@CountdownKO: The complete transcript from Friday's show is now available: bit.ly/qt36ID” Protests are Keith's to run with #OWSnews

RoseWeaver12 Rose
NYPD have baracaded areas for targeting, a few broadcasters have ran low on battery power since Saturday #owsnews #youshouldbeembarrassed

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RoseWeaver12 Rose
RT @SabzBrach: Amazing moment: man came into the square with a HUGE, hateful sign. Occupants chased him out. #LibertyPlaza #owsnews

laureldavilacpa Laurel Davila, CPA
Free Press! #OWSNews #occupywallstreet demos the problem of GOP controlled MSM censorship blogs.wsj.com/metropolis/201…

12160mhz 12160info
Wall Street Locked Down - NY Police Arrest Seven / Updates: ning.it/pauIDU #OWSnews / #occupywallstreet
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