anonops AnonOps
The police ask to speak to the leader. We told them that there is no leader. They didnt understand. #TakeWallStreet #OccupyWallStreet #Sep17
Retweeted 100+ times

julpepitone Julianne Pepitone
about 125 protesters at zuccotti park for #occupywallstreet #takewallstreet

CGoHome Nick Espinosa
"Class Warfare": When the poor and middle class are asked to pay for the crisis created by corrupt bankers. #occupywallstreet"

Once upon a time, I believed the people in charge wouldn't destroy their own country to enrich themselves. Oops. #occupywallstreet

KhadijahOnline KhadijahOnline
Debts btwn wealthy always be renegotiated..debts owed by poor suddenly become sacred obligation @davidgraeber #occupywallstreet

Progress2day America United

"The Biggest Thing Happening Right Now That Your Local News Probably Isn't Telling You #OccupyWallStreet #Sept17"

anonops AnonOps
Bring war $ home, spend on schools, public housing, Enough Death Destruction! #TakeWallStreet #OccupyWallStreet LIVE >>

EricWeinrib Eric Weinrib

CGoHome Nick Espinosa
"Class Warfare": When bankers take our bailout tax $ to pay record bonuses while foreclosing on our homes. #occupywallstreet

redfoxcountry Tony Martin
The BBC, Britain's largest news broadcaster is ignoring #occupywallstreet. Ask yourself why? @bbcnews

nicolesandler Nicole Sandler
Only thing worse than the Corporate Right Wing Media Machine- a channel pretending to be progressive! @MSNBC cover #occupywallstreet

USDayofRage US Day of Rage ☮
Occupy Wall Street Protest, Day 3: a Smaller Core Fights on - International Business Times #usdor #occupywallstreet

Adrianchen Adrian Chen

WSJ Wall Street Journal
The hundreds of #OccupyWallStreet protestors say they have no plans to leave the area any time soon

democracynow Democracy Now!
The Debt of the American Poor Should Be Forgiven, Says Author & Anthropologist @davidgraeber. #occupywallstreet

USDayofRage US Day of Rage ☮
Wall Street Faces the Wrath of Anonymous During Weekend Protest | The New York Observer #usdor #occupywallstreet

commentisfree Jessica Reed
.@adbusters' founder Kalle Lasn and Micah White have written a powerful piece on #occupywallstreet -

USDayofRage US Day of Rage ☮

NYCSep17 September 17

exiledsurfer exiledsurfer
Do not miss this brilliant video about #OWS by @BrknSdwlkFrm: "Kansas sank my battleship" #occupywallstreet

not_me jf
so is this protest going to protest or is it a book club sleepover meant to give the GA mental masturbation? #occupywallstreet

kaesun Kae Sun
Ppl can be persuaded & unjust systems do breakdown. That's the aim of non-violent resistance. Not to vilify but to expose.#occupywallstreet

ddsnorth ddsnorth ™®
union busting, corporate control over government is part of the definition of fascism (along w authoritarian nationalism) #occupywallstreet

ddsnorth ddsnorth ™®
sad ethics & politics, when US politicians like Cheney own shares in steel & weapons manufacturing = wars for profits! #occupywallstreet

Mwforhr Mwforhr

kgosztola Kevin Gosztola
The possibility for something different than casino capitalism #occupywallstreet #ourwallstreet
JLownLaw JoJeanne B. Lown
Candlelight vigil. Silent march. #occupywallstreet LIVE STREAM - #globalrevolution live on

CrappyTires Caleb
RT @MotormouthNews: The #NYPD will push for arrest tommorow due to workers return, be safe #occupywallstreet @OccupyWallSt

MotormouthNews Motormouth News
To my brothers & sisters in #NY dnt let the NYPD scare you into disorganization. #occupywallstreet @OccupyWallSt

dragonfire1024 Jason Safoutin
" @revolutionjedi: #NY students - no classes tomorrow. You got a field trip to Liberty Plaza at 9 AM. See ya there at #occupywallstreet "

onevoice2 D Free

not_me jf
qotd: and now the police are making us take the American flag down. the whole world is watching. #occupywallstreet
OpWallStreet #OurWallStreet

wagenonviolence Waging Nonviolence
Police enter #occupywallstreet and order removal of signs. #generalassembly is defiant.

subversionistic subversionistic

Deprogrammer9 Depro9
attn: @OccupyWallStNYC you are going to have A LOT of extra food soon if not already. Give it to the homeless! #OpPizza #occupywallstreet
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