Checking out "Is Your Luggage Safe from airport security?" on 12160: http://t.co/drnjf3I

Colombia Spent U.S. Anti-Drug Aid Hiding Political Ties to Drug Trade: http://t.co/SNYQJsi

Rick Perry accused of hypocrisy as he comes under fire for investment in America's largest pornography distributor http://t.co/88sdVSs

RON PAUL WON’T GO AWAY / NOR SHOULD HE - With a long list of corporate and Wall Street lackeys, including President ... http://t.co/dcgEtcd

The FBI Labels Antiwar.com a Threat to National Security - The FBI vs. Antiwar.com Secret documents reveal governme... http://t.co/YQ2EXE7

Libya story is total BS Remember That Quick And Dirty Video At The Beginning Of The Libyan civil War? Lots Of Pictur... http://t.co/EqdZXab

The #Libya War Pictures Of The Real Military Force, Not The PEOPLE, Not The REBELS >>NATO<<: http://t.co/E8rrg7f

Fake journalist threatened real journalist, Mahdi Nazemroaya fears rebels not loyalist- fighting not over in #libya: http://t.co/HjCpteh

New Reality For Many Baby Boomers Will Be To Work As Wage Slaves Until They Drop Dead: http://t.co/2C2xAGO

NATO SLAUGHTER IN TRIPOLI: Operation Mermaid Dawn Signals Assault by Rebels' Al Qaeda Death Squads http://t.co/LZ8TATe

What if he's right? And, if the shoe fits..... - Maybe this will get everyone's attention!!!!! … http://t.co/xyzHAU8

How did Americans get so utterly clueless about world events? (Hint: It was no accident.) http://t.co/74lEZQU

Exclusive: Staging of Major Terror Attack on US Evident - 9/11 Annivesary and Israeli UN Vote to Coincide By Gordo... http://t.co/3GGcNEx

One in Four California Families Can’t Afford Food for Their Kids http://t.co/skkLeBV

They haven't secured anything they're just shooting - Mahdi Nazemroaya http://t.co/oQydAiB

Press Conference Moussa Ibrahim after Rebels Entered Tripoli - August 21, 2011 http://t.co/xgwUy5Y

Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Fed’s Secret Loans http://t.co/PUCgZ1p

via @HawaiianKiko01 : NEW WORLD ORDER If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED! - YouT... http://t.co/GfT7slv #nwo

Pay Your Carbon Taxes To Al Gore Or Space Aliens Will Attack http://t.co/P6LSjav #Climategate #climaterealism #AGW #IPCC #algore

FBI's Informant Numbers Soaring: In today's post 9/11 America, there are 15,000 informants working with the FBI http://t.co/xpS8bFe

American congressman: Israeli more important than Americans. http://t.co/iYnuYEc #israel #palestine #gaza #freegaza

Colombia Spent U.S. Anti-Drug Aid Hiding Political Ties to Drug Trade 12160: http://t.co/8ocJyGw

9/11 first responders left out of 10th anniversary event. Will be denied entry! http://t.co/QdsMKOu

Feinstein: “Service members continue to receive drug linked to permanent brain damage” http://t.co/qrPIOUo

Flashback 2 years ago. John McCain chillin' with Gaddafi: http://t.co/OfzzZDu #Libya

NY City slams bicyclist with $1,500 in fines for running red lights: http://t.co/6fnEIPz

Rick Perry accused of hypocrisy as he comes under fire for investment in America's largest porno distributor #tcot http://t.co/88sdVSs

On Sept 10, 2001 Army School Says Israel Has capability to target US forces + make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act http://t.co/bDpmpom


Mississippi Election Clerk Gets Approval to Remove Paper Trail Printers from Diebold Touch-Screens http://t.co/AEmM6Yt

Police Department Tasers a Mentally Ill man 11 times in the span of 4 minutes, resulting in his death http://t.co/2pG39bE

Corbett: Where Were They On 9/11? - Download (Right Click >Save As). The question is simple, but the answers are... http://t.co/CBT80Z5

Ron Paul: “They’re Setting The Stage For Violence In This Country” http://t.co/xjRIgtv

'US imposes news blackout on lawmakers' junkets to Israel' http://t.co/KX3cRnv #israel #AIPAC #media #corruption

#Israel entered #Egypt, commited violations http://t.co/sHI0RTk derail #Palestine vote with a war? #gaza

Albuquerque Journal photographer feared NM State Police were going to shoot him http://t.co/HwNKp6d

Checking out "None Dare Call It Genocide - Dr. Stanley Monteith" on 12160: http://t.co/6k2WnJg

Government Transparency on Deployment of Body Scanner Technology in Surface Transit Venues and Street-Roving Vans: http://t.co/mvXnuky

Obama Administration Bankrolls Massive Internet Propaganda Campaign to Push Obamacare http://t.co/ANzDmQd

Albuquerque Journal photographer feared New Mexico State Police were going to shoot him http://t.co/a2QT3aC

Gunshot and Knife wound treatment. - Ok very important stuff so sit back, Learn and enjoy!! … http://t.co/lZBfxjb

Checking out ""The End of America" Full Length HQ Film" on 12160: http://t.co/A2Pe3cw

Checking out "Congressman Says Fast & Furious Was Administration Conspiracy " on 12160: http://t.co/VmrsnBs

G. Galloway vs US Senate hearing: http://t.co/rKfjXjN
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