12160mhz 12160info
Member of Parliament: Health Canada “negligent” on Fukushima radiation threats http://ning.it/qJjb02

12160mhz 12160info
Montel Williams on Freedom Watch – Hypocrisy of Marijuana Laws: http://ning.it/nzo6Kn

12160mhz 12160info
How JP Morgan Took Over All Kentucky's Financial Services, And Why You Should Be Scared http://ning.it/o8mSLc

12160mhz 12160info
Bank of America (BAC) will not last another week without government intervention.: http://ning.it/nBkytK

12160mhz 12160info
Bank of America (BAC) will not last another week without government intervention. http://ning.it/nBkytK

12160mhz 12160info
Chicago Police Shooting Spree? Halfway Through 2011, 43 Shot, 16 Dead http://ning.it/pZTPrZ

12160mhz 12160info
Washington Dropped the Ball on a Secret Afghan Wireless Communications Company that Might Have Prevented 9/11 http://ning.it/nvn3Fv

12160mhz 12160info
DHS calls Anonymous hackers untalented ‘script kiddies,’ warns of future attacks http://ning.it/pMNcE5

12160mhz 12160info
Photos from Rawesome Foods raid prove government agents illegally stole: http://ning.it/qazbH7

12160mhz 12160info
Survey: 69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research: http://ning.it/oTpzph

12160mhz 12160info
Terror Crisis Or Debt Crisis, The Solution Is Always A Super Dictatorship http://ow.ly/1vkgMC

12160mhz 12160info
Obama admin adds 608 regulations — just in July! COST $9.5 billion http://ow.ly/1vkgDZ

12160mhz 12160info
Photos from Rawesome Foods raid prove government agents illegally stole http://ow.ly/1vkgyl

12160mhz 12160info
academic encourages selling kidneys to pay off student loan debt - but says she would never do it http://ning.it/rokSxo

12160mhz 12160info

12160mhz 12160info
'Phone hacking is only the start. There's a lot more to come out' http://ning.it/nkbz1N

12160mhz 12160info
6 Creepy New Weapons the Police and Military Use To Subdue Unarmed People http://ning.it/oTUDbe

Joe Lieberman Says U.S. Should Cut Social Security To Pay For Fighting Wars for/because of #Israel http://t.co/m7k3piY #military #dipnote

12160mhz 12160info
Irish Disease Returns to Economy as Job Scarcity Spurs Exodus From Country: http://ning.it/mOqI23

12160mhz 12160info
Resistance is necessary....they are galvanizing us into it.: http://ning.it/rfNP9k

12160mhz 12160info
Furloughs for 4,000 FAA employees to extend into September: http://ning.it/odeVED

12160mhz 12160info
Sheriff's deputies Tasered a Vet 16 times and sprayed him with 4 cans of pepper spray http://12160.info/page/cops-just-love-those-tasers

12160mhz 12160info
Man accused of terror ties accidentally handed classified CSIS documents: http://ning.it/qHA85F

12160mhz 12160info
Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients Clears First Hurdle in Pennsylvania http://ow.ly/1visJG

12160mhz 12160info
Cops Who Beat Kelly Thomas Placed on Leave: people called for the chief's resignation over the incident http://ning.it/ro0pQz

12160info ap
What Makes a Police State? How do you know your country is no longer free? http://ning.it/ovdcih

12160mhz 12160info
Miami-Dade bills $22,000 for a public records request. Avg cost for similar requests? Free to $17. http://ow.ly/1vihMa

12160mhz 12160info
Free cell phones are now a right for the poor in Pennsylvania http://ow.ly/1vihrD

12160mhz 12160info
China Joins Russia in Blasting U.S. Borrowing After Debt Ceiling Agreement http://ow.ly/1vie7l

GoldMktAdvisor McLaren Gold
Obama Policies Killing U.S.! The 4 Scariest Economic Graphs I've Seen This Year - The Atlantic: http://t.co/ncDL6DS via @AddThis

12160mhz 12160info
Obama Regime Wants Changes to Arms Export Licensing Process… To Export More Arms http://ow.ly/1vidlB

12160mhz 12160info
Rep. Paul introduces bill to cancel $1.6T in debt held by Federal Reserve http://ow.ly/1via2v

12160mhz 12160info
Radioactive fish found in Connecticut River — State officials trying to determine source http://ow.ly/1vi9AA

12160mhz 12160info
Florida on hurricane alert as tropical storm Emily is gaining power http://ow.ly/1vi9p0

12160mhz 12160info
Sheriff's deputies Tasered a Vet 16 times and sprayed him with 4 cans of pepper spray http://ow.ly/1vi94x

12160mhz 12160info
Paul Craig Roberts: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire http://ow.ly/1vi8MG

12160mhz 12160info
Checking out "hip hop to fight the new world order" on 12160: http://ning.it/qaSKPZ

12160mhz 12160info
Biggest Middle Class Tax Increase In History Will Come In Five Month: http://ning.it/qJ0hBq

12160mhz 12160info
Facial recognition software could reveal your social security number: http://ning.it/rn4ezb

12160mhz 12160info
Nuke hearing live -Sen Alexander said we need 100 more reactors http://ow.ly/1v0Fqb

12160mhz 12160info
Adm. Mike Mullen demands that American troops must be given immunity from prosecution to keep them in Iraq http://ning.it/nIqzDH

12160mhz 12160info
Phone-hacking scandal: Stuart Kuttner is latest NoW exec to be arrested http://ning.it/oSobbL

12160mhz 12160info
Turkey to appoint new military leadership: Civilian government set to 4 top generals http://ow.ly/1vdXeO

12160mhz 12160info
Central Tahrir Square was forcibly cleared Monday of the remnants of a three-week-old sit-in http://ning.it/rcCUUt

12160mhz 12160info
Ron Paul Exposes The Deficit “Plan” Lies: “Cuts Are Illusory http://ning.it/r7Iq6z

12160mhz 12160info
The consumer-debt-based economy is doomed - That Which Is Too Fearful To Speak http://ning.it/qtlUYy

wakeup1442 Margaret Khan
Purpose of Obama's Exec Order 13575 is to force the people off their land. Agenda 21 is UN plan to force the sheeple into ghettos.

12160mhz 12160info
Men build small flying spy drone that cracks Wi-Fi and cell data: http://ning.it/og24Av

12160mhz 12160info
History Lessons" The Fed Structure, Credit Card Spy on You, CALCULATING THE COST OF TERROR: http://ning.it/olAGXn

12160mhz 12160info
Ohio Cops Accused Of Trying To Cover Up death of 20-year-old Kylen English - Lynching , Cover Up or Suicide? http://ning.it/prJRTn

12160mhz 12160info
Economic Hitmen - Understanding NWO Mafia Corporatism Warfare - IMF Whistleblower John Perkins http://ow.ly/1vdFk7

12160mhz 12160info
Porn Company Creates Interactive Sex Game for Microsoft Kinect: http://ning.it/r8tdm2

12160mhz 12160info
New Plan by TSA Will Allow You to Bypass Their Security Screening...If You've Got the Money http://ning.it/pwosdm

12160mhz 12160info
Sorcha Faal following ADL, CIA, DHS, SPLC propaganda script: http://ning.it/pBRm1K

12160mhz 12160info
Ron Paul: "American People Are Sick & Tired Of A 10 Year War!": http://ning.it/nuJVWT

12160mhz 12160info
Checking out "Torture Inc. - America's (Private) Brutal Prison System" on 12160: http://ning.it/pcdmjG

12160mhz 12160info
BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters: http://ning.it/r1PjqJ

12160mhz 12160info
Police invade a peaceful concert in Washington DC and body slam a old woman http://ow.ly/1vcyzA

12160mhz 12160info
British editors discuss the phone-hacking scandal and the future of British newspapers"C-SPAN 1 LIVE STREAM" on 12160: http://ning.it/rqE580

12160mhz 12160info
Texas town pins hopes on prison auction Thursday, years after private operator left http://ow.ly/1vcgs2

12160mhz 12160info
Debt Ceiling"Rep. Emanuel Cleaver said early reports of the new deal appeared to be “a sugar-coated Satan sandwich: http://ning.it/qZbprv

12160mhz 12160info
The War on Libya: Divisions within The Transitional Council and Rebel Forces: http://ning.it/nsq9MP

12160mhz 12160info
Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons?: Peter Dale Scott http://ning.it/oGF5kY

12160mhz 12160info
GP: Obama Has Top Admiral Tell Troops in Afghanistan They May Not Get Paid: http://ning.it/qD3PqF

12160mhz 12160info
The Role of the UN Security Council in Unleashing an Illegal War against Libya: http://ning.it/nhh8fY

12160mhz 12160info
Scotland Yard to Investigate Murdoch’s NewsCorp for Computer and Email Hacking. Duh! http://ning.it/nyp3ug

12160mhz 12160info
Official: Afghan President Karzai’s half-brother killed by personal associate, not Taliban http://ow.ly/1vc3So

12160mhz 12160info
Tanks storm Hama -At least 142 people reportedly killed in violence throughout Syria http://ow.ly/1vc30q

12160mhz 12160info
The Crying Indian - full commercial - Keep America Beautiful: http://ning.it/pdtaL4

12160mhz 12160info
US Judge Orders Nixon's Secret Watergate Testimony Released Despite Obama Opposition http://ning.it/rugngo

12160mhz 12160info
Checking out "Kelly Thomas Memorial and Protest - July 30, 2011" on 12160: http://ning.it/nWpnwX

12160mhz 12160info
Is Your Senator Using The Distraction Of The Debt Ceiling To Support The Feds Secret Interpretation http://ow.ly/1vbSDn

12160mhz 12160info
For Liberty: How the Ron Paul Revolution Watered the Withered Tree of Liberty: http://ow.ly/1vbRjG

12160mhz 12160info
Sea Shepherd flagship impounded in Scottish port after Maltese tuna fishery sues for £850,000 in damages http://ning.it/pn3CMX

12160mhz 12160info
Guatemalan war rape survivors: 'We have no voice' - More than 100,000 women were raped in the 36-year Guatemal http://ning.it/p8sAW7

12160mhz 12160info
Nigeria: Government vows to prosecute parents who reject polio vaccines for their children http://ning.it/nMdbb0

12160mhz 12160info
Could Iceland be a model for debt-ridden Europe? Iceland effectively said "stuff you" to the banks' http://ning.it/oCZdU4

12160mhz 12160info
Hollie Greig case exposed in today’s Scottish Sunday Express http://ning.it/nzomPK

12160mhz 12160info
Sea Shepherd flagship impounded in Scottish port after Maltese tuna fishery sues for £850,000 in damages http://ning.it/nX3hgh

12160mhz 12160info
Fire destroys Wisconsin Democratic recall group's headquarters right before recall election....cause hasn't been id http://ning.it/pfhdnw

12160mhz 12160info
The U.S. Treasury will not default even if the debt ceiling extension does not pass http://ning.it/r2JvXM

12160mhz 12160info
More proof the Department of Homeland Security and TSA are actively destroying America http://ow.ly/1v9Oj5

12160mhz 12160info
Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the one in 66 Americans now classified as psychotic http://ow.ly/1v9D07

12160mhz 12160info
Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/six-zionist-companies-own-96

12160mhz 12160info
Diana Gariany Libya Rebel/Jihadists Militias Include the Human Traffickers of Benghazi http://ning.it/r5ej8d

12160mhz 12160info
Obama's Crack-Head argument, keep smoking crack or we'll have withdraws: http://ning.it/qz8Ejg

12160mhz 12160info
IPCO Secretary-General Commends Libyan People's Adherence to Al-Qaddafi: http://ning.it/mOAdLc

12160mhz 12160info
New Article On the: Big-Name Hollywood Film Producer Exposed as Covert Agent for Israel http://ning.it/mQwfiO

12160mhz 12160info
Free pot offered to those who register to vote at Michigan clinic: http://ning.it/pgE6Qh

12160mhz 12160info
Quotes from Howard Beale, from the movie The Network 12160: http://ning.it/q7yGPW

12160mhz 12160info
Police Were Warned About Oslo Norway Terrorist Attacker By Neighbors And Did Nothing http://ning.it/qOukHT

12160mhz 12160info
S.C. Police on Alert After Political Activist "Liked" Article on Facebook http://ning.it/owDROP

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Dispatches investigates the world of the Rupert Murdoch and the influence and political power he holds in the UK http://ow.ly/1v5gKl

12160mhz 12160info
Mena Connection - Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, Iran Contra, And Drug Running: http://ning.it/pppcme

12160mhz 12160info
Canada blocks UN from declaring asbestos a “hazardous” substance: http://ning.it/oRfVsp

12160mhz 12160info
Media Dwells on Alleged Second Fort Hood Attack Following Norway Carnage http://ning.it/nbsHHX

12160mhz 12160info
Busting Posse Comitatus: Military Cops Arrest Civilians in Florida City http://ning.it/oUCffU

12160mhz 12160info
Microsoft's Use Of Lox-Tax Havens Drives Tax Bill To 7 Percent Of Profit: http://ning.it/nHAu2x

12160mhz 12160info
5.8 million Israelis Get 100 Billion In US Tax Dollars While American States Are Falling Apart http://ning.it/nGtV5r

12160mhz 12160info
U.S. soldiers arrested over new plot to attack Fort Hood base: Report http://ning.it/o8vSoC

12160info ap
Consolidation of seed companies leading to corporate domination of world food supply: http://ning.it/n8NLtC
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