littlebytesnews Patty
Sociologist:An entire Venezuela's worth of Hispanics was added in just two decades to US pop=more #prolife? #tcot http://usat.ly/pXaOEl

cyndeZu cyndeZu
RT @dailypaul: Federal Reserve is Just as Paralyzed as Congress http://bit.ly/nhttp://bit.ly/n2BF07

Antiwar2 AngelaKeaton
Like to see Current.com/community die. Had no idea how much crap that application spews out. Including a "voter badge." What propaganda.

DirtDiverUSSF DJ Wood
Mexican military helicopter 'accidentally' lands at Laredo airport : http://t.co/XCRBQfi whole lotta 'accidents' lately
CnservativePunk Brandon Morse

Contrepoints Contrepoints
"La face cachée de #SOSRacisme " http://t.co/EF3KSYB via @Contrepoints #racisme @HarlemDesir @SOS_racisme

USRealityCheck US Reality Check
Sorry S&P, America Still Beats the Isle of Man - New Republic (blog): Sorry S&P, America Still Beats... http://bit.ly/rqDe3Z tnr.com #P2
Terrypooch T moritz

shopgirl49 shopgirl49
RT @mrprolife: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Bishop under Vatican investigation discusses his views on abortion http://… (cont) http://deck.ly/~g3kKB

OMGFacts OMGFacts
Bank robber "Pretty Boy" Floyd was known for destroying mortgage papers on heists, freeing hundreds of people from property debt.

Obamapocalypse Captain Audacity

bugoutnews BugOutNews
2 of 3 Florida siblings are in custody after 20-mile car chase in Colorado, sheriff says - KUSA http://bit.ly/pw3uFd

earthspeakorg Leslie SayimaDreamer

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip Research and Markets: Ukraine Food and Drink Report Q3 2011: San Francisco Chronicle - Found 9 hours a... http://bit.ly/n13lkd

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip UPDATE: Electricity expected to be restored to water wells by 5 p.m. today: OG&E and City of Enid crew... http://bit.ly/ppxGsp

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip 10-Q: APRIA HEALTHCARE GROUP INC: Competitively bid items and services in metropolitan areas with cont... http://bit.ly/q7dChD

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip ESRD Payment System Changes Proposed: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a ... http://bit.ly/qvzQm8

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip Update: X-MEN: REGENESIS Teaser 2 - WOLVERINE & THE X-MEN: After the schism, there will be two very di... http://bit.ly/qXAeiQ
Terrypooch T moritz
@SENDICKDURBIN-videocafe.crooksandliars.com/taxonomy/term/5814,8297,9350 DRUNKEN MAX BAUCUS VOTE NEVER PASSED HC. HE WAS ENEBRIATED VIDEO

WatchmanIS216 Dana G Smith
Visit D Day For America, Grace, Truth, and the Commandments - http://tinyurl.com/3pkqsbs

uknewsdepot Uk News Depot
#news #world news Montenegro to bury Nazi war dead: Germany and Montenegro sign an agreement on burying the remai... http://adf.ly/2KC7f

Retbilpat Nancy Hudson
RT @SissyWillis: AMEN: Lloyd Marcus: The NAACP's Betrayal of Blacks http://bit.ly/n3odFF @diesel_lady

140Cain Helping CAINiacs
RT @diesel_lady: It's obvious the elites want Romney to win. Cainiacs won't let it happen without a fight! @THEHermanCain

mises Mises Institute
The State of the Economy: A Web Conference with Robert P. Murphy - http://eepurl.com/faEP2

Survivalspot Survival Spot
Ka-Bar Kukri Machete: Perfect for chopping down weeds, clearing a camp site or cutting small branches, the black... http://bit.ly/ncV5y6

WatchmanIS216 Dana G Smith
#Watchman Network, Grace, Truth, and the Commandments - http://tinyurl.com/43njvn6

BostonJerry Jeremy G
Santarpio's is so good. RT @BostonsBoy: "who wants to come eat with me and @cbwizzy and @Sizzlakalonjii at santarpios in e boston!?!?!?!?!"

euthenics R, Mark Sink
The Empathy Ceiling: The Rich Are Different — And Not In a Good Way, Studies Suggest http://bit.ly/nJCewh #psychology #cognition
Uprisingradio Uprising Radio
Kill the Messenger: The Media’s Role in the Fate of the World http://is.gd/LovTaF

RevPolitics Revolution Politics
The Best Thing The Fed Could Do Is Collectively Resign" | Marc Faber 8/9/11 http://fb.me/10nFDpfSN
jtLOL 'Jim' 'Treacher'
Rule of thumb: Conservatives vote for politicians they can live with. Liberals vote for politicians they can't live without.

cwpseattle Mike C

imsure Mary B. King
Excellent! RT @ryanra Doorbell Vid http://t.co/66QO5Pu PRICELESS! Trust me U will appreciate this... #Dems & libs especially shld watch it

loveu LoveU
NASA Hiding Approaching Doomsday Space Event. Interstellar Energy Belt we are entering will cause huge solar flares. http://dlvr.it/fgJCQ

Obamapocalypse Captain Audacity

Beautyon_ Beautyon
VIDEO Channel 4: How UK riots and looting progressed, day3: http://t.co/wXUlsog < this is sad in a hundred different ways. #UKriots

WatchmanIS216 Dana G Smith
Watchman Network, Grace, Truth, and the Commandments - http://tinyurl.com/43njvn6

_ajit8_ ajit8
Keith Flett: Boris Johnson surrounded as he visits Tottenham http://bit.ly/pIeP9N Original Facebook Status… (cont) http://deck.ly/~BvRFe

BreakingNews Breaking News
Two of three Florida siblings are in custody after 20-mile car chase in Colorado, sheriff says - KUSA http://bit.ly/pw3uFd

NatShupe Nat Shupe
"Why work 2 become middle class when (thanks to liberals) u can be subsidized 2 the middle class" ~ Andrew Wilkow @WilkowMajority #obamafail

cyndeZu cyndeZu

ZeelandCap vlietstra
Al Gore is cuckoo for climate change. That's what happens when you go "all-in" on a scam. http://t.co/4hgILRi

PatDollard Patrick Dollard
What Happened Really Happened The Night The SEAL Team 6 Helo Was Shot Down? http://bit.ly/pTozDS

ZeelandCap vlietstra
Are UK riots a lesson in what happens after a couple of generations that feel they are entitled to more and more for 'free'? #londonriots

WatchmanIS216 Dana G Smith
#WarnRadio, Grace, Truth, and the Commandments - http://tinyurl.com/3nycw5y

NBTWT newsblok
New anti-censorship scheme could make it impossible to block individual sites http://dlvr.it/fgHgk

cwpseattle Mike C

Intelwar Intelwars.com
Dr. Mary’s Monkey: The Link Between Polio Vaccines, Cancer, and JFK’s Murder: http://tinyurl.com/3z95o3f

johnsykes1035 John Sykes
"When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things." Real Live Preacher

BardOfEarth Maurice Freidmam
I am a Rebel, a dissenter, I DISSENT against visions of evil outcomes for my World, I DEMAND improvement. http://t.co/rNw5S5z Strawberry❤❤S

ZeelandCap vlietstra
@MariahWestwind I think you are misusing the term "racist". seems to be popular when libs have no facts. @danieldenvir @AndrewBreitbart

loveu LoveU
Experimental Aircraft to Go From Zero to 13,000 in Hypersonic Test Launch. Strike anywhere in less than 1 hour. http://dlvr.it/fgHS8

ZeelandCap vlietstra

ColsUnderground Columbus Underground
The Bread Basket Family Bakery Closes Their Doors at Creekside in Gahanna: http://ow.ly/5Z3A1

PajamasMedia Pajamas Media
On the @PJTatler: The GOP Makes Its Choices for the Debt Supercommittee, and They’re A Little Odd http://bit.ly/nJphia #tcot

Zener39 Ron Pratt
RT @EverythingVegas Las Vegas Hilton reports loss, skips interest payments on loan: The Las Vegas Hilton reported... http://t.co/cC9QANp

usahitman_com USAHitman.com
US Government Monitoring Facebook for Federal Reserve Protests at http://usahitman.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1798.

coutpost Conservative Outpost
New Post: Candidates? We Don’t Need No Stinking Candidates!!! http://om.ly/BaZRR

adamkokesh Adam Kokesh
http://youtu.be/cgzAUJ_JRpA -- The government in Philadelphia is giving minors a curfew.

WatchmanIS216 Dana G Smith
#WarnRadio, Grace, Truth, and the Commandments - http://tinyurl.com/3nycw5y

Antiwarcom Antiwar.com
HAHAHAHA, the Pentagon is literally saying they killed the VERY man who fired the shot that downed the Chinook! You cannot write this crap.
thejoshuablog joshua epstein
Via @TPHealth: Bill Frist: The GOP-Backed Debt Ceiling Deal Is Like The IPAB In Health Reform http://bit.ly/nc34SC | #p2 #health

monkeyfartmike Mike
Hypersonic Test Plane Rips Across Sky http://www.theblaze.com/stories/this-is-the-hypersonic-test-plane-that-travels-13000-miles-an-hour/

NewAmericaNow09 NewAmericaNow
Dark Clouds Gathering on British Economy, Central Banker Says - NYTimes.com: http://t.co/NdjyptJ via @addthis

buffalopundit Alan Bedenko
Assembly candidate Sean Ryan addressing CWA/IBEW Verizon strikers, and the inflatable rat. http://twitpic.com/63ytmb
Reuters/Ipsos poll: 47 percent of Americans fear 'the worst is yet to come' on the US economy

TexasRV Gary
Bless this day and comfort those who need it. For some it will be their last. Your last day is more important than your 1st. Your eternity.

imsure Mary B. King
#IMPEACHOBAMANOW and put us out of our misery!!! Highest Since Inauguration... http://is.gd/NwWbRg

nwohashtag #New World Order
via @counterplot : Activist Post - Dr. Mary’s Monkey: The Link Between Polio Vaccines, Cancer, and JFK’s Mu... http://bit.ly/nkc0NT #nwo

nwohashtag #New World Order
via @UNagenda21 : \ #IMF bombshell: Age of America nears end http://t.co/LHhaDCa agenda in action. #Am... http://bit.ly/nfd3GB #nwo

nwohashtag #New World Order
via @eguevara2012 : Os banqueiros sionistas e as agências de "qualificação" estão acabando com a zona do eu... http://bit.ly/p01LEP #nwo

nwohashtag #New World Order
via @AmericanPatrol : The Alex Jones Show Live -- 9AM PT M-F - Listen http://infowars.com #immigration ... http://bit.ly/orjsSF #nwo

nwohashtag #New World Order
via @EBTPLeader : Video: Just after S&P Downgrade, Chicagoans Take to Streets, Demand Arrest ... #EndtheFED... http://bit.ly/qqjicI #nwo

loveu LoveU
GM a Chinese company? Builds, sells more cars in China than in USA. http://dlvr.it/fgHK8

cyndeZu cyndeZu
RT @DaveT0076: Michelle Bachmann: Pro #PatriotAct , Tax Prosecutor for the #IRS, & supported J. Carter in '80… (cont) http://deck.ly/~SpeK3

AbolishTheFed AbolishTheFed
Mike Church Post Show Show with Jack Hunter 'Was the U.S. Bombing of Nagasaki an Act of Terrorism?': http://mike... http://bit.ly/nbhnUq

texasps Gwell Spinner ofBree
DISASTER AHEAD – Yesterday’s Humiliating Defeat Spells Doom For Democrats http://t.co/PVJUKcj via @gatewaypundit

uknewsdepot Uk News Depot
#news #world news £250k of lottery wins unclaimed: Two lottery wins, amounting to more than a quarter of a millio... http://adf.ly/2KC2F

Sweet! RT @insightable: Amazing tech: Military to launch plane today that goes 20 times the speed of sound. http://t.co/qi14NeW

nit2am nit2am
Flashback: CIA front 'National Front for the Salvation of Libya' attempt to overthrow Gaddafi http://t.co/HFVfhGJ

DaveT0076 Dave T
Michelle Bachmann: Pro #PatriotAct , Tax Prosecutor for the #IRS, & supported J. Carter in '80. http://t.co/kUGlBTe #Iowa #teaparty #record

NewAmericaNow09 NewAmericaNow
The People of the United States do not want to get involved in Syria's Affairs. We are not the Police of the world. It is their business.

earthspeakorg Leslie SayimaDreamer
RT @brontyman: At Auschwitz, future US military leaders learn what not to do http://t.co/gR8ouUi / like FBI's carbomb wkshop b4 #judiBari?

OldBob47 Robert S.
#TheDifferenceBetweenJFKandBHO JFK inspired a nation to send Men to the Moon. BHO has now blamed everyone except the Man in the Moon.

uknewsdepot Uk News Depot
#news #world news Proper parenting would have prevented these riots: If we want these shocking riots to be a one-... http://adf.ly/2KC0g

rayhigdon Ray Higdon (SWFL)
Come hang with us on Google+ tonight at 7pm est, me and 10 other big marketers - http://bit.ly/aLMx7Q

cwpseattle Mike C

EconomyUS US Economy
Job openings rose in June, though levels are low (sfgate): Share With Friends: | | Top ... http://feedzil.la/oPRImT #economy #business

EconomyUS US Economy
Bank of America's back-door TARP (Money): Share With Friends: | | Top News - Business N... http://feedzil.la/pVNyWu #economy #business

EconomyUS US Economy
The founding dreams of teens (Money): Share With Friends: | | Top News - Business News,... http://feedzil.la/oAZTnz #economy #business

EconomyUS US Economy
Dark Clouds Gathering on British Economy, Central Banker Says (New York Times): Share Wit... http://feedzil.la/nW8TqL #economy #business

EconomyUS US Economy
Biotech Stocks: Treasurys mostly extend rally as worries grow (Market Watch): Share With ... http://feedzil.la/pvgHiW #economy #business

_ajit8_ ajit8
I used to hide behind the hippies. I used to hide behind the punks. I used to hide behind anything I could find http://bit.ly/qv8P3A

AngryArabNews The Angry Arab
It is official: The New York Times has converted to Sunni Islam: Look at this language from a paper that never ... http://bit.ly/nI45Zm

shopgirl49 shopgirl49
RT @conservagirl: I'm out to get John Kerry - to get him out of office in 2014. Care to join me? #termlimitsbyus #hypocrisy
nomorechange Stephanie Gwinn
RT @matthew0910: @LilaGraceRose @lifehaspurpose @nomorechange Remember this short classic? People voted for him! http://t.co/0UdXgE3
poorconservativ Poor Conservative

⇑NC GOP ignored to protect NC voters private information from Real ID Join the fight http://t.co/aWxCzI7 #ncpol #nctcot #ncga @ncgop

revolution_info Révolutions Info
Cuatro detenidos más en Málaga y más violencia policial frente al CIE de Capuchi...: Cuatro... http://on.fb.me/o62pHi #spanishrevolution

sydeffects sydeffects
Well this super committee is already doomed by the liberal picks of the Dems. They will never agree on anything.

PatDollard Patrick Dollard
If Egypt can overthrow their government and hold it's leaders accountable with trial, prison and death, so can and should we.

apricityforum The Apricity
Morocco Demands Half of the Alhambra: The government of Morocco has demanded half of http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=31320

cyndeZu cyndeZu
RT @JulieBorowski: Oh, Rick Perry. MT @maladjus His campaign slogan can be "Send Me To Washington. I'll Fit Right In."

cwpseattle Mike C
Three Liberal Dems Named to Deficit Reduction ‘Super Committee’ http://t.co/jtMMMGK

AngryArabNews The Angry Arab
Palestinian question and Arab uprisings: Zionists should read this: "“It was always an issue with the Arab regim... http://bit.ly/oGLcSO

glptweets Godlike Productions
The ROOM...A Christian BrainStorming (((( Thread )))) Current Events... http://bit.ly/qZv9tN

glptweets Godlike Productions

glptweets Godlike Productions
*** REAL TIME(non-delayed)World Markets, Futures, Gold/Silver Links here. 1 Stop Shop. *** http://bit.ly/pdRiiG
nomorechange Stephanie Gwinn
RT @beesnguns: @nomorechange well ::duh:: - look at London and see how the only way to further socialism is through kids.

PatDollard Patrick Dollard
The criminal Barack Obama deserves to go on trial as much as Mubarak. Why not?

uknewsdepot Uk News Depot
#news #world news E-petition: Axe rioters' benefits: The most signed e-petition on the government's website is on... http://adf.ly/2KBww

uknewsdepot Uk News Depot
#news #world news Broom army: Are brooms and brushes the symbols of the resistance? http://adf.ly/2KBwv

dawnrm dawn m
I am being sent to an oncologist tomorow for test my white blood cell count is over 20 thousand I pray I do not have any cancer or leukiemi…

Reuters_Biz Reuters Business
High-end retail shunned by investors favoring bargains http://reut.rs/qLn6rb

Obamapocalypse Captain Audacity

MuslimAgorist Davi Barker
RT @usamasheriff: The best jihad is a word of truth flung in the face of a tyrant. -The Prophet Muhammad, peace upon him
nomorechange Stephanie Gwinn
RT @5ini5ter: Communists using children to push an anti-American agenda is just about the worst thing I've ever seen: http://t.co/9U8iPKT

UPI_top UPI_top
Former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos to be buried with military honors in his home province http://bit.ly/nN0dCV

TheOnion The Onion
Opinion: Pardon Me, Madame, Do You Have A Moment For Fancy Man Rights? http://onion.com/qgBkWH

EWDolan Eric W. Dolan
Why do consumers think hard-to-get babes and products are worth the extra effort? http://bit.ly/pQsWqw

EWDolan Eric W. Dolan
How do class differences affect hospitality interactions? http://bit.ly/qKD6O3

EWDolan Eric W. Dolan
Study finds marked rise in intensely sexualized images of women http://bit.ly/n4d9xJ

Opportunity reaches next major destination on Mars, Endeavour crater! Info & images: http://t.co/3isTsZz

Citizensnews Lyle
RT @HuffPostPol: All six Republicans chosen for the Super Congress have pledged they wouldn't vote to raise taxes. http://huff.to/pK1sdV

Beautyon_ Beautyon
VIDEO: Manchester: Flat Screens Stolen From Cash Generator - Oldham Street: http://t.co/Yf6JDu5 "Is there any point in calling the police?"

Deberra Debra
The conservative-women Daily is out! http://bit.ly/fnaxxH ▸ Top stories today via @atlasshrugs @laydihd @blondeamerican @therealextex

cyndeZu cyndeZu
Ron Paul on CNBC's Squawk Box - | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty- Daily Paul: http://t.co/X2cNpQi

If you even THINK that obama's birth certificate is a settled matter, then you havent seen this video http://tomohalloran.com/?p=672

bliptv blip.tv
Wind-powered creations inspired by childhood toys are helping save lives. RT if you find this as inspiring as we do: http://bit.ly/qA0fMf

knimmo knimmo
Knee Jerk Calls For Army On London Streets To “Shoot Looters On Sight”: Steve Watson | One in three want live am... http://bit.ly/nHVNYL

CommonCause CommonCause
RT @CampaignLegal American Bar Association Urges Strengthening of Lobbying Laws http://j.mp/r546X8

RebelWire RebelWire
http://bit.ly/OMWire Brian Hendrickson: South Carolina 2011 team preview - SI.com http://bit.ly/pPox4u

Zener39 Ron Pratt
RT @bamskeke Excellent idea: Hammersmith & Fulham Council threatens that any rioter will lose their social housing. #londonriots #ukriots

ShooterJennings Shooter Jennings
I hope not! Cuz if I am, I didn't know, and I missed my flight! RT @tireworld: @ShooterJennings Are you playing Houston tonight?

HuffPostPol HuffPost Politics
All six Republicans chosen for the Super Congress have pledged they wouldn't vote to raise taxes. http://huff.to/pK1sdV

USRealityCheck US Reality Check
New Zealand Police Launch Banksy-Like Recruiting Campaign: The police in New Zealand are hipper than y... http://bit.ly/qZkVo2 taw #US

shopgirl49 shopgirl49
RT @AmericanStroker: Are we supposed to believe the #fed now? "interest rates to stay low for two years" #diversion

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip RBA 'failed to alert police to bribery': The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) failed to alert police wh... http://bit.ly/qbvXJ6

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip Geen ontvoering of poging daartoe: Op 29 juli 2011 omstreeks 15.00 uur heeft de politie een SMS-alert ... http://bit.ly/reNEyr

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip RBA 'failed to alert police to bribery': The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) failed to alert police wh... http://bit.ly/ntfHwf

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip Recall alert: Allergens in Winn-Dixie items: Mushrooms are harvested in Florida all year. Growers can ... http://bit.ly/qviIdT

NewsSnippets News In Snips
#NewsSnip RBA 'failed to alert police to bribery': The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) failed to alert police wh... http://bit.ly/nhlEaG

mclaughlinchris Chris McLaughlin
I'm at Grillsmith (1569 Town Center Dr, Lakeland) http://4sq.com/o7qimA

cwpseattle Mike C

earthspeakorg Leslie SayimaDreamer

shopgirl49 shopgirl49
CHECK THIS OUT > RT @USAShopper: 2009 Federal Reserve Note for the #NAU North American Union http://bit.ly/m7AMAf

RonPaulNews Ron Paul News
Lew Rockwell Show: 215. Five Revisionist Books on War http://bit.ly/oKLdJM

bugoutnews BugOutNews
London's FTSE index closes down 3% after nervous day of trading across Europe. In Paris Cac 40 plunged 5.45%

against_obama Against Obama

MarketWatch MarketWatch
Throwdown in the store aisles: Retailers wage back-to-school price war http://bit.ly/nICnbB

in_economy Tweet 4 All
The "She Loves Me Not" Economy: The Ceridian-UCLA Pulse of Commerce Index®, a real-time fuel consumption index f... http://bit.ly/nRlfm9

shieldofabraham Shieldofabraham
High-end retail shunned by investors favoring bargains: CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Goodbye jewelry and $100 yo... http://bit.ly/n6svLu

cwpseattle Mike C
Reuters/Ipsos poll: Obama approval rating drops to 45%; 42% of Americans have negative view of Tea Party http://reut.rs/rsxgZ2

Spacing Spacing
BLOG: World Wide Wednesday: Luminaires, Luminato, Graffiti Surge http://bit.ly/qaQPbC

5ini5ter 5ini5ter
Communists using children to push an anti-American agenda is just about the worst thing I've ever seen: http://t.co/9U8iPKT

stacyherbert Stacy Herbert
Meltup fatigue. RT @BwBBKK Woman at goldshop near my place in Bangkok looked exasperated when I saw her change the price for the ...time

nanningsteve Steve
China orders high-speed trains to run slower http://shar.es/HIPi6
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