Yesterday afternoon, I unveiled my "Plan to Restore America" that cuts one TRILLION in spending, axes five federal departments, and fully
balances our budget by year three of my presidency.
And today, I want to give you a preview of
not one, but two new TV ads that will start running this weekend.
The first clearly explains
my balanced budget plan to the

The second, which you can watch
here, compares my record with some positions my establishment opponents - Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, and Rick Perry - would probably
rather you didn't know about.
But, jim, as
groundbreaking as yesterday and today are proving to be for my campaign, I believe tomorrow will be the most important day yet.
You see, none of our hard work matters unless I can raise the resources to break through the media BLACKOUT and take
my message of liberty straight to the voters.
So can I count on you to pledge to make your most
generous contribution to my campaign's Black THIS Out Money Bomb tomorrow?
no time to waste. Time is short.
Key early state primary and caucus dates are right around
the corner.
I'm campaigning feverishly, and as you can see from my new ads, I've instructed my
staff to "take the gloves off."
That's because right now is the time you and I must
make our move.
But here is a cold, hard fact I need you to understand - I cannot make my way to
the top without a massive and immediate influx of funds.
Unlike my establishment opponents, I
can't hit up Wall Street bankster fat cats for big checks. Nor would I want to.

This campaign is of, for, and by people like you who are sick and tired of out-of-control
spending, bloated deficits, TRILLION-dollar wars that put other countries' security interests ahead of our own, and
assaults on our liberties by rogue government agencies like the TSA.
So I'm depending on you
for every ounce of my success.

budget plan and my new TV ads - which I hope you'll take a moment to
watch - more and more voters throughout the country will realize that the right choice for the Republican nominee is clear.
They can support a return to limited government and free market constitutional principles by voting for
Or they can support the continuation of the Big Government, big spending status quo by
supporting any one of my establishment opponents.
You and I must make it clear to voters all over
the country that's the choice they're faced with in this campaign for President.
The media
certainly won't do it for us!
Despite polls consistently showing me within striking distance
of first place over the past few months - and recent polls showing me defeating President Obama in a head-to-head matchup - a recent study confirmed
the national media's all-out BLACKOUT of my campaign.
The Pew Research Center found I was the
main focus of only 2% of news stories dealing with the Presidential race, DEAD LAST among all candidates - even those I've been crushing in the polls
for months!
jim, you and I can either let the national media pick our next President - or we
can take my message of liberty straight to the voters and let the
chips fall where they may.
Tomorrow is the day our decision is made.
Without your
support, I won't be able to break through the media BLACKOUT.
So I am counting on
you to please contribute any amount you can.
Please pledge right now to make your most
generous contribution to my campaign's Black THIS Out Money Bomb tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the
most important day of my campaign yet. So please don't let me down.
For Liberty,

Ron Paul
P.S. My campaign just
unveiled two new ads to explain to voters that the right choice for the Republican nominee is clear.
They can support a return to limited government and free market constitutional principles by voting for me - or they can support the continuation
of the Big Government, big spending status quo by supporting any one of my establishment opponents.
Tomorrow's Black THIS Out Money Bomb will be the most important day of my campaign yet, as it will help determine how much I can break through the
media blackout.
So please pledge right now to make your most generous
contribution to my campaign's Black THIS Out Money Bomb tomorrow.

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