12160mhz Just uploaded a new video Video coverage from Monday as hundreds joined Occupy Seattle protesters at Seattle's West ning.it/pkD448

12160mhz Checking out "silverprotester" #OccupyWallStreet #protest #revolution #OccupyEVERYWHERE #ows: ning.it/omibZE

12160mhz The TSA has taken the “welcome step” of exempting kids 12 and under from shedding shoes ning.it/qh0wTx

12160mhz Occupy Wall Street Protest Now On Every Continent Except Antarctica! ow.ly/1f5kkv

12160mhz '1984' Apple Macintosh Commercial (Full advert, Hi-Quality) - This is the full video of '1984', the commercial relea... ow.ly/1f5kku

12160mhz Runaway Slave - The Documentary, with Pastor C.L. Bryant. An honest discussion about black conservatives in America : ning.it/poqj2S

12160mhz Checking out "IF "OCCUPY WALL ST" DOESN'T KNOW IT'S DEMANDS...I DO" on 12160: ning.it/qJNDOK

12160mhz IF OCCUPY WALL ST DOESN'T KNOW IT'S DEMANDS...I DO - So much has been made of, What do the protestors want?, that I ... ow.ly/1f5heK

12160mhz Russia Today - Anarchy' in America: Occupy Wall Street spreads nationwide ow.ly/1f5heM

12160mhz Protestors in Washington D.C. Call for an End to the Afghan War on its 10th Anniversary, and the Transformation of A... ow.ly/1f5heL

12160mhz Russia Today - Anarchy' in America: Occupy Wall Street spreads nationwide: ning.it/n9dSQa

12160mhz Five short videos from Jeffrey Smith provide sharable introduction to GMOs for your friends who need to know ow.ly/1f4Whg

12160mhz Russia Today - Anarchy' in America: Occupy Wall Street spreads nationwide ning.it/n9dSQa

12160mhz Protestors in Washington D.C. Call for an End to the Afghan War on its 10th Anniversary: ning.it/nFEgPS

12160mhz Corporate-financier dominated Western media attempts to Wish-away “Occupy the Fed” Movement: ning.it/qKcLel

12160mhz Checking out "EBOOKS PDF nwo iluminati zionist" on 12160: ning.it/riTxNS

12160mhz Ron Paul "Sign Bombs" pop up around SWFL ning.it/qvJrAn
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