12160mhz An NYPD officer is caught talking about how he'll beat peaceful #OccupyWallStreet protesters. ning.it/nEQemL

12160mhz #occupyMAP - Map of People Occupying Wall Street | #OccupyWallStreet ning.it/qATf90

12160mhz NYPD Live Scanner Audio Feed #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyCHI #protest #revolution #OccupyEVERYWHERE #Solidarity ning.it/qKjKud

12160mhz Luke Rudkowski beaten & pepper sprayed by NYPD 12160.info/video/police-b… #OccupyWallStreet

12160mhz Luke Rudkowski beaten & pepper sprayed by NYPD #OWS 12160.info/video/police-b…

12160mhz NYPD Turns Ugly Again! - Police Beatings and Arrest Peaceful Protester #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyEVERYWHERE ning.it/oOwaUp

12160mhz Olbermann reads the collective statement of #OccupyWallStreet occupyamerica.ning.com/video/

12160mhz Photos Protests In NYC and Chicago #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyCHI #protest #revolution #OccupyEVERYWHERE #Solidarity ning.it/mWc08Q

12160mhz NYPD Turns Ugly Again! Police Beatings and Arrest Peaceful Protesters #OccupyWallStreet #OccupyEVERYWHERE #Solidarity ning.it/qmUCBp

12160mhz police beating at wall street #ows by We are Change #OccupyWallStreet #protest #revolution #OccupyEVERYWHERE ning.it/qmUCBp

12160mhz Update: Police arresting #OccupySeattle protestors #OccupyWallStreet #protest #revolution #OccupyEVERYWHERE ning.it/oAAYBK

12160mhz Occupy America Protest/Link Directory #OccupyEVERYWHERE #OccupyAmerica #OccupyWallStreet ning.it/oxihX0

12160mhz #OccupySUNY Anngry students nabbed the attention of top University at Albany officials today during a large student ning.it/qvV22m

12160mhz "What Really Happened" Radio Live Now" : ning.it/oD3AYC #OccupyWallSt #OccupyTogether #Solidarity

12160mhz SWAT Teams St. Louis Protecting Bank of America; Refusing Customer Withdrawal #OccupyWallStreet #protest #revolution ning.it/o5DINY

12160mhz Report: SWAT Teams in St. Louis Protecting Bank of America; Refusing Customer Withdrawals #OccupyWallStreet #prote ning.it/o5DINY

12160mhz Occupation Protests Starting in D.C. - Tuesday, October 4, 2011 KEVIN ZEESE,kbzeese at gmail.com, http://October20... ow.ly/1eZUm6
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