Lawrence Edward Calcutt commented on James Φοίνιξ's group 'TSA Awareness Project - Stop Irradiating Our Bodies and Fondling Our Children!'
I wonder what the TSA officers were doing with the 85-year-old's purse while they were getting…
Who Can Beat Obama?
I have decided to begin writing commentaries on politics and economics, and trying to leave out as…See More
A blog post by revolutionist was featured

A Fatal Mistake for the Criminal Cabal in Washington & Wall St.
The word is that the Pentagon, the agencies and the militias are on the brink of taking violent…See More
A discussion started by Ph*l*p was featured

Senator Lindesy Graham, "1031 designates the world as the battle field including the homeland"
There is a bill in the US Senate called the National Defense Authorization Act and it could be voted on as early as this week. This bill gives the president the authority to indefinitely imprison American citizens without a court hearing, both…
A video by KRYPKE was featured

Pin the tail on the Ass - How America Crashed
On derivatives, I was wrong about that. Bill Clinton. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educa...
A video by Stupid little monkeys was featured

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) H.R.3261 - ENDS FREE SPEECH
Please help us stop SOPA also known as H.R.3261 from passing December 15, 2011. This is a direct threat to our Constitutional rights and threatens free speec...
A video by Carmine Clemente was featured

The entire United States is now a war zone: S.1867 passes the Senate with massive support
The entire United States is now a war zone: S.1867 passes the Senate with massive supportBy Madison…See More
A discussion started by James Φοίνιξ was featured

Sly & The Family Stone - Everyday People/Message of Peace
Here's a song to bring everybody into the weekend. It's a song about coming together in peace, love…See More
A discussion started by Tara was featured

U.S. citizens are legitimate military targets admits Obama national security lawyers
WASHINGTON (AP) — Top national security lawyers in the Obama administration say U.S. citizens are…See More
A blog post by Site *ADMINS* was featured

Maria De Wind commented on revolutionist's blog post 'Who Can Beat Obama?'
Christians for Ron Paul 2012 New Iowa Poll Results!Obama 42%, Ron Paul 42% (tied)Obama 46%, Romney…

Maria De Wind liked Ph*l*p's discussion 'A Fatal Mistake for the Criminal Cabal in Washington & Wall St.'

Maria De Wind commented on TheLasersShadow's group 'Ron Paul For President 2012'
Christians for Ron Paul 2012 New Iowa Poll Results!Obama 42%, Ron Paul 42% (tied)Obama 46%, Romney…
TheLasersShadow replied to Judy Taylor's discussion 'The Pentagon Is Offering Free Military Hardware To Every Police Department In The US'
LOL this is going to backfire as if theoretically there were to be a revolution in this country.…
TheLasersShadow commented on KRYPKE's blog post 'Herman Cain ‘suspending’ US nomination race'
I'll bet the reason Ron Paul won't rule out a 3rd party run is due to the fact if its a…

An Open Message to Police & Military
This is a message to the Police, to the military, to the TSA, to Homeland Security and to members of every other enforcement arm of the government. http://wa...
Video posted by Carmine Clemente

A Fatal Mistake for Obama & Senators who claimed the right to kill Americans
The word is that the Pentagon, the agencies and the militias are on the brink of taking violent…See More
Discussion posted by Ph*l*p

Nikki replied to Judy Taylor's discussion 'The Pentagon Is Offering Free Military Hardware To Every Police Department In The US'
I've already seen several videos of tanks being driven around in some towns. This is…

An Open Letter from and to White Allies Calling for Support of “Decolonize Oakland” Proposal #ICRR
Please Share!…See More
Blog post by Anonymiss Express

Thomas Moore left a comment for robert alpert
Thank you Robert for the Comment. I would have to agree unfortunatley alot of them are still in the…

mystery commented on mountain19's video
I have to say that I see what you have pointed out. But I also see things in the clouds every…

Vida Smith Compton replied to Judy Taylor's discussion 'lets see what Senators voted for S 1867'
Well, Hutchinson, isn't gonna run! Theother Yea Who ain't gonna get voted in a So us…

FTF Films: Corporate Law & Numerology
FEEDTHEFIRE.FILMS on FACEBOOK http://www.facebook.com/djhardcoretruth Educate Yourself Freely @ http://www.truth.futureproducer.net http://sacredlifemandalas...
Video posted by robertk1968

Vida Smith Compton commented on Site *ADMINS*'s group 'Hurricane WATCH - News, Member Reports and Survival Tips'
Hi. Everybody! I live on the gulf Coast of Texas so I may be of help when and if.HERS AND HIMS…

Vida Smith Compton commented on Billybob Cornfed's group 'Home Defense'
I figured it out, I am not gonna login and have another password to remember so I don't need…

Vida Smith Compton commented on Billybob Cornfed's group 'Home Defense'
All right BillyBob whee do I vote? That little green arrow I clicked didn't bring up a thing!…

Vida Smith Compton liked Billybob Cornfed's discussion 'I know, I know, I know...I am not chicken little'

Vida Smith Compton commented on James Φοίνιξ's video
Me. As well, DTOM! ME. TOO......I give my heart's all in everything I say and do. Praying that…

DTOM commented on James Φοίνιξ's video
It is stories like this, that give me hope for the world... :)

robert alpert left a comment for Justin A Horne
yesterday was the 42 anniversary of the murder of Fred Hampton--

CH commented on Site *ADMINS*'s page 'Amnesty International Urges Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia to Bring George W. Bush to Justice'
Somebody ought to bring this Yahoo to justice...............don't worry karma will catch up…

Vida Smith Compton commented on James Φοίνιξ's page 'Facebook IS Mass Surveillance'
That is exactly why I don't do games or anyother thing that reqires me allowing an application…

robert alpert commented on Site *ADMINS*'s blog post 'ATTN: 12160 Member Bloggers'
I am writing a piece on the new technology it will concentrate on…

Vida Smith Compton commented on James Φοίνιξ's video
The troops want be back for Christmas ,not in the USA! I don't believe a word of what comes…

Vida Smith Compton commented on James Φοίνιξ's video
I watched it this morning, made me PROUD TO BE AN OATHKEEPER! I would have done the same thing!…

Are Americans in Line for Gitmo?
Posted By Ray McGovern On December 4, 2011…See More
Blog post by Nikki

Vida Smith Compton liked James Φοίνιξ's discussion 'Ron Paul Interview On DeFace The Nation 11/20/11'

Nikki commented on KRYPKE's blog post '‘America’s great game could spark World War Three’'
For sure, Krypke. They get really annoyed if you interrupt their holidays with something they…
Michael C. Dewey left a comment for Michael C. Dewey
"I see in in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble…

Assange granted appeal in Supreme Court
Published: 05 December, 2011, 14:43 Founder of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks Julian Assange…See More
Discussion posted by Nikki

Nikki replied to Nikki's discussion 'Latin America unites in new bloc, US not invited'
They wouldn't want to invite the US for sure. RT just wants to highlight that point, lol.

Maria De Wind replied to Nikki's discussion 'Latin America unites in new bloc, US not invited'
Why would they "invite" the US?

Nikki replied to Hugh Mann's discussion 'US agents laundered drug money: report'
The government already does know exactly how the drug system and money laundering works. …

KRYPKE commented on KRYPKE's blog post 'Herman Cain ‘suspending’ US nomination race'
Vince, don't give them any ideas ;)

KRYPKE commented on KRYPKE's blog post '‘America’s great game could spark World War Three’'
We attacked Iran back in the 50's when the CIA overthrew the elected government there. It was…

Blog post by Aronimus Mortancia

KRYPKE commented on Vincent L. Guarisco's blog post 'Terrifying scientific discovery: Strange emissions by sun are suddenly mutating matter'
Maybe the New Agers are not so out there after all. Hey, we know celestial bodies have an effect on…

KRYPKE commented on KRYPKE's blog post 'Santa’s Elves In China'
Yep, and they are trained consumers. We are the spoiled children of history and the world envies us…

Nikki commented on KRYPKE's blog post 'Herman Cain ‘suspending’ US nomination race'
Newt, Jeb, Obama - the US is so doomed. Gun sales are skyrocketing though.

Nikki commented on KRYPKE's blog post '‘America’s great game could spark World War Three’'
Meanwhile the sheeple who are very focused on their shopping right now say, "oh, I've…

Nikki commented on Juan Valdez's blog post 'Gingrich Flasback 2003:I’m An Eisenhower Republican, Government Has To Lead On Healthcare'
Newt is a bigot too.

Maria De Wind commented on KRYPKE's blog post '‘America’s great game could spark World War Three’'
... and Iran has the crazy notion that it believes it has the right to its own sovereignty, to run…

Maria De Wind commented on Vincent L. Guarisco's blog post 'Terrifying scientific discovery: Strange emissions by sun are suddenly mutating matter'
Be ready for transmutation ! radiocarbon tests were claimed to have a margin of error far…

crashaxe commented on James Φοίνιξ's video
everyone needs to support these brave men, join this coalition, send them a note of thanx

Vincent L. Guarisco commented on KRYPKE's blog post 'Herman Cain ‘suspending’ US nomination race'
Aside from Cain, here's a little something to consider. The GOP may try to pull a rabbit hat…

KRYPKE commented on KRYPKE's blog post 'Herman Cain ‘suspending’ US nomination race'
GOP rivals hope to court Cain supporters

Terrifying scientific discovery: Strange emissions by sun are suddenly mutating matter
by Terrence Aym12/4/2011The angry sun…See More
Blog post by Vincent L. Guarisco

Secret Pakistan BBC Documentary DOUBLE CROSS Week-1[FULL] HD - YouTube.flv
Secret Pakistan BBC Documentary DOUBLE CROSS Week-1[FULL] HD - YouTube.flv
Video posted by KRYPKE

Occupy the Fed!
Occupy the Federal Reserve;; End the Fed Protests The Occupy Wall StreetSee More
A group by OCCUPY THE FED was featured

‘West tries to redraw map & split Syria from Iran’
RT December 3, 2011Syria’s main opposition group has vowed to cut ties with Iran, Hezbollah and…See More
KRYPKE added a discussion to the group Impending Attack on Syria

KRYPKE commented on KRYPKE's group 'Impending Attack on Syria'
Nope. E.g NATO is 28 countries. NATO = NWO. Rogue nations include: Iran, N.Korea, Syria, Lebanon,…

Impending Attack on Syria
Tracking the latest developments involving the impending military assault on Syria.See More
apeman2502 joined KRYPKE's group

Anthony Kimbrough commented on James Φοίνιξ's page 'Net Worth of US Politicians'
Ok, know where to make budget cuts now.

apeman2502 commented on James Φοίνιξ's page 'The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?'
How is the fed loaning money @ zero interest so the receiving bank can loan it back to the…

Maria De Wind commented on KRYPKE's group 'Impending Attack on Syria'
... and I thought Rogue Nations were those already under the NWO banner not those still…

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